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Biography of Kathleen H. Ackroyd 
Born in San Antonio, Texas to an Air Force Father and a newly Naturalized Mother from Frankfurt, Germany, gave me the base of what would be a multicultural and richly diverse life of travel and adventure. My mother worked two and three jobs and did not like leaving me in the care of strangers. She brought my Grandmother, Oma, from Germany before my first birthday to care for me and the home. Every night, Oma read the Brothers Grimm to me in German. These fairytales, though not all as rosy as Disney’s, filled me with awe and wonder. I knew there was magic for me, out there in the world somewhere.  
At the age of four I sat on my father’s knee and read him the newspaper. My Father’s first assignment was In Peer, Belgium where I attended a Belgique Kindergarten. Oma was much dismayed that I spoke Flemish before German. Wichita, Kansas; San Antonio, Texas; Zweibrucken, Germany; Belleville, Illinois; Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri; and finally Las Vegas, Nevada; are all places I’ve called home. 

I have worked in the Savings and Loan Industry; as an Associate Editor of a parenting magazine; freelance graphic (and award winning) designer; restaurant manager; bartender; waitress and caregiver.  I did not have or was unable to find the time to continue my education until this period in my life. I am defined as a nontraditional student. Much research and positive self-talk enabled this, my door to new adventures in academia and beyond.
My planned major was Social Informatics with a concentration in Andragogy. Sadly, on June 3rd of 2010, the Informatics Program was eliminated from the UNLV curriculum. I have augmented my Associate of Arts Degree with self-study classes and certifications. With this knowledge, I am able to help those my age and older keep up with technologies and thus be able to retain and improve upon their job or position. They will increase their worth as employees and also enrich their personal lives.
My experience with Phi Theta Kappa was wonderful! CSN’s Alpha Xi Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa has the most diverse service opportunities. There truly is something for everyone. I received a Certificate of Completion for Phi Theta Kappa’s Leadership Development Studies: A Humanities Approach on the 28th of September, 2010. This scholarly discussion on Leadership incorporates classic writings, current leader profiles, film and more. 

 Some of the functions I have participated in or am participating in still: The PTK/United Blood Services Blood Drive, The CSN History Project, Presentation: The Perpetual Andragogy Wiki and Blog for Adult Learners and Project AngelFaces. I was also, through Alpha Xi Beta, honored by the Clark County Board of Commissioners for my Service to the community. 

To this date, I volunteer with Project Angel Faces; a multifaceted “community supported social service effort whose goal is to increase the quality of life, with a focus on our elders, our youth, and the developmentally disabled.”  Project AngelFaces was recently featured on 8 News Now’s weekly segment ‘Acts of Kindness.’ I had submitted Rhonda Killough for this honor in recognition. Both, her and I, are in the feature. The magic that I knew was out there in the world for me somewhere, I have found in Service to my Las Vegas community.

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